I just received the coveted Hawaiian shirt from Davide Bottalico and the Roche Italy Digital Academy Team, recipients of the Fourth Annual Pharmaguy Social Media Pioneer Award (see “Davide Bottalico and the Roche Digital Academy Team Receive the 4th Annual Pharmaguy Social Media Pioneer Award!“).

I was a little afraid that Davide would get pizza on the shirt when I spotted an image on his Facebook page of him wearing it. But I see that it is in mint condition — freshly dry-cleaned and wrapped in plastic! Thanks Davide for taking such good care of this revered  symbol of “standing out from the crowd.”

The Award gives kudos and recognition to the pioneers within the pharma industry who have lead the way through the darkness that is pharmaceutical social media – even if the end result did not meet their expectations, failed miserably in terms of ROI, or was just a pilot campaign to test the waters. Campaigns come and go, but pioneers move on to new positions and continue to spread their influence far and wide.

Learn more about ALL the past recipients of this Award here. I plan on giving shirt to the next recipient(s) of the Award at the Digital Pharma East conference in New York City on 21 October 2014 — at the end of Mobile Day.

Although I know a lot of pharma people who are social media pioneers (e.g, see my TOP 100 Pharma Twitter Pioneers list), I need help to discover the people who often work behind the curtain — moderating discussions, writing blogs, managing the Twitter accounts, etc. — and who are more or less invisible. With your help, I hope to peel back the curtain and tell the stories of these people.

Please, if you know someone who I should consider to receive this award — or if you yourself feel you quality — let mw know. Here’s a form you can use: