Over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with many very smart, talented, and interesting people in the pharmaceutical industry. I have been especially honored to meet and document the work of drug industry digital “pioneers” who have lead the way in the use of social media, digital, and/or mobile for marketing, research, patient support, or corporate communications purposes.

A segment that has not received enough attention from me and others is pharma women pioneers, digital or otherwise. To rectify that, I have put together a personal list of “Digitally Savvy Women Pharma Pioneers.”

Do you know someone who should be included in this list? Tell me about her HERE. Meanwhile, praise for this recognition has been pouring in…

  • “Thank you Pharma Guy (sic) – great that you’re putting the spotlight on these awesome women!” — Jessica Federer who is Leads Digital Development at Bayer in Germany
  • “Great list of women. Thank you for sharing!” — Rebecca Pollard, Digital Marketing Specialist, DIA
  • “Always honored to be recognized by you, John. Thank you!” — Laura Kolodjeski, Director, Digital Strategy & Operations at Sanofi US
  • “Love it, John.” — Lisa Valtierra, 1st Assoc. Dir. Cross Cultural Marketing at Boehringer Ingelheim
  • “In good company. Thanks John” — Lisa Flaiz, Digital Thought Leader at Janssen
  • “John thank you for mentioning me in your article! It is an honour!” — Oxana Kolosova, Managing Partner at iVrach.com
  • “Thanks John Pharmaguy Mack for including me! It’s really an honor and a privilege to be mentioned by YOU in a group of outstanding women!” — Letizia Affinito, co-author of book “Socialize Your Patient Engagement Strategy”
  • “Very honored to be mentioned in such great company! Thanks @pharmaguy” — Silja Chouquet, Owner and CEO of why dot GmbH