According to ad agency AbelsonTaylor (AT), Pinterest has “enormous potential for healthcare marketing. Healthcare marketers should be engaging the outstanding attributes of Pinterest in their digital, e-commerce and social media marketing strategies and tactics” (read more here). AT suggests the following types of content are appropriate for pharma marketing via Pinterest:

  • Disease awareness (for clinicians and patients)
  • History of disease/treatment (for clinicians and patients)
  • Support groups/personal experiences (for consumers and patients)
  • Product launch market preparation measures (for clinicians)
  • Health association, foundation sponsorship (for clinicians and patients)
  • Corporate communications, research initiatives (for clinicians and investors)
I did a little research to find how many of the TOP 20 pharma companies – based on U.S. sales in 2015 – had Pinterest accounts and, if so, what types of content were published on these accounts. The results were a little surprising.

First, only 8 of the TOP 20 pharma companies have corporate Pinterest accounts. Of these eight, here is a summary of important Pinterest metrics:
Click on image for an enlarged view.