Vol. 13, Issue No. 7: August 2014 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Patient Activists Demand Higher Quality Mobile Health Apps Pharma Must Listen, Respond, and Optimize!
WEGO Health Mobile BSAs with Web sites in the early days of digital, it is difficult today for users of mobile health (mHealth) apps to be assured that the apps are reliable, accurate, based on valid information, and adequately safeguard users’ privacy. In many ways, we are living through another digital “wild west” without any sheriffs to protect us.

Sooner or later Congress, perhaps urged on by patient advocates or some mhealth app adverse event, may investigate the mobile health app industry—including the drug industry—to see if further oversight, not just FDA regulations, is required. Before that happens and to ensure that mobile health apps developed by pharma are of the highest quality, the industry should differentiate itself from “wild west” developers by being pro-active in developing and abiding by a set of “Guiding Principles for Mobile Health Apps.”

“This is one area where pharma could really rack up the karma points,” said Fabio Gratton, CEO of Vocalize. “Listen, respond, and optimize!”

Topics include (partial list):

  • Deja mHealth Vu
  • Inaccurate Mobile Health Apps
  • Beyond Regulation
  • Brave New World of Pharma Mobile Big Data
  • Industry Insiders’ POV
  • The Patient POV

Download the full text PDF file here:
www.pharma-mkting.com/news/pmnews1307-article01.pdf Patient Storytelling Marketing Creativity vs. Truth in Pharma Advertising
Alice's Story“Engaging consumers through the art of storytelling can enhance a brand’s strategy more effectively,” says Ash Rishi, Co-Founder and Managing Director of COUCH. “Data gives credibility, but stories provide truth.”

These days, patient storytelling is all the rage. More often than not, however, patient stories told by pharma marketers are not “providing truth” in the sense that they are real patient stories. It seems that there is a difference in opinion as to what the “truth” is.

Social media and patient stories are a “match made in heaven” and several pharma marketers are using social media to listen to REAL patient stories and to leverage those stories to help motivate other patients. In the process, of course, they also enhance the image of their brands.

Topics include (partial list):

  • Cannes Lions Health Awards Tells the Story: Cate vs. Cathy
  • ePatients vs. fPatients
  • Truth Trumps Creativity
  • Brand-Centric vs. Patient-Centric
  • By the Patient, for the Patient
  • Can You Be Too “Patient-Centric?”

Download the full text PDF file here: