Vol. 11, Issue No. 7: 26 JULY 2012 – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PharmaguyWelcome to Volume 11, Issue No. 7 (26 July 2012) of Pharma Marketing News. Thank you for visiting. See the featured article summaries below.

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John Mack, Publisher & Editor
@pharmaguy Multichannel Marketing & Medical Reprints Putting Science on iPads, Apps, and HCP Websites

Reprint ReaderThe distribution of medical reprints to healthcare professionals (HCPs) by sales reps is not only a logistical problem but a channel problem as well. Physicians these days are less and less likely to spend much time with sales reps and many are reluctant to open their doors to sales reps. On top of that, physicians are now very comfortable using mobile devices to access electronic versions of reprints.

It makes sense, therefore, for pharmaceutical companies to deploy copyrighted e-prints and other marketing materials via iPads and other tablets, or via their own apps and websites in a controlled manner as part of a multichannel marketing campaign. Recently, Reprints Desk launched a product called Article Viewer, which allows life science companies to do just that.

Topics include:

  • e-Reprint Deployment Challenges
  • Sidebar: Article Viewer
  • What Do HCPs Really Want?
  • Study: Doctors Prefer Online/Mobile for Journal Reprints
  • Digital Facilitates Compliance, Retraction, & Replacement
  • How Physicians Use Article Viewer
  • Statistics and ROI
  • Roll Your Own App, But Let Reprints Desk Keep Track
  • hcpengage.com (interviews with healthcare professionals)
  • Future Update Plans

Download full article (PDF) Crowd Sourced Creative Commons Drug Information Pitfalls & Opportunities for Pharma

Pharma WikipediaLike other industries, the pharmaceutical industry faces an onslaught of crowd sourced information about its products on the Internet. Sometimes, drug companies actively seek input and insights from the “crowd” online. Brad Pendergraph (@bradatpharma), former Senior Manager, Consumer Digital and Social Engagement at Novartis, asked “Is pharma really going to let some of its information ‘go general’?” He mentioned “creative commons” and “taking a look at what material you [pharma] have and figuring out how you can distribute it to people in the social media space in ways that they can understand and work with that are still compliant.”

The most visible and most accessed example of crowd sourced “creative commons” information is Wikipedia where “wikipedians” — i.e., people who write and edit Wikipedia pages — create drug information pages such as the one about rosuvastatin. Whether or not it is “beneficial” for pharma company employees to edit Wikipedia information about their own company’s products is difficult to know for certain. This article summarizes the pros and cons of pharmaceutical companies editing Wikipedia articles to correct “misinformation” about their drugs.

Topics include:

  • Open Innovation
  • Sidebar: Definitions
  • Beneficial Creative Commons Drug Information
  • Introducing Clinical Open Innovation (Lilly Clinical Open Innovation)
  • The Wikipedia Conundrum
  • User-Generated Content Transparency
  • Official Pharma Wikipedians?
  • Consumer Unfriendly Wikipedia
  • Survey: Should Pharma Edit Wikipedia Articles?
  • Sidebar: PhRMA’s Views on Correcting “Misinformation”
  • Who Determines What is “Misinformation”
  • Role of FDA, PhRMA, and Wikipedia Itself
  • Advice for Pharma Wikipedia Editors
  • Bad Pharma Wikipedians

Download full article (PDF) Multichannel Marketing Easy to Brag About, but Difficult to Do
Multichannel pharma marketing is conceptually relatively simple to understand, but incredibly difficult in practice, says Len Starnes, former Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, General Medicine at Bayer Schering Pharma. That said, multichannel is not a transient phenomenon, it’s here to stay. Starnes hosted a survey on LinkedIn to answer the question: When will pharma marketing become de facto multichannel marketing in future?

Topics covered:

  • Survey results: Will pharma marketing become de facto marketing in the future?
  • MCM is the New CRM
  • Bring in the Propeller Heads
  • Sales Are Nowhere to be Seen
  • MCM Requires Two-way Dialogue
  • MCM Requires Content with Value
  • MCM Requires Resources and Experienced Marketers, Not Rookies
  • MCM Is Expensive

Read the entire article here:
Gamification Now and Then

FrogThere’s a lot of brouhaha these days in pharma circles about ‘gamification’ as if it were the newest thing since sliced bread. These days, however, it may be easier for a pharma company to create a real-life museum educational gaming experience than a virtual world game on Facebook. Way back in 1984, gamification was much simpler.

Topics covered:

  • “Gaming Goes Mainstream” infographic
  • Gamification Now
  • Gamification Then

Read the entire article here: