Integration of Custom Media into the Marketing Mix The American Diabetes Association Makes It Easy!
Three ADA BooksWhich do patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals prefer: custom educational materials (“custom media”) or advertising? It may not surprise you to learn that 3 out of 4 respondents in a study by Roper Public Affairs for the Custom Publishing Council agreed that getting information from an interesting collection of articles is more appealing than getting information from advertisements.

Of course, not all custom media are up to the task. What you need is information that is specifically tailored to the audience you are trying to reach and that is created by a well-known and respected educational partner. Pharma marketers are increasingly turning to patient advocacy groups as educational partners in order to reach their members and leverage their content. One of the most premier advocacy organizations in the U.S. is the American Diabetes Association® (ADA).

This article summarizes a discussion with Abraham Ogden, the Director of Book Publications for the American Diabetes Association, about integrating ADA’s custom publications into the pharma marketing mix.

Topic headings include:

  • Diabetes Affects Millions of Americans
  • ADA’s Custom Publication Program
  • Authoratative Brand
  • Repurposing Content Keeps Prices Competitive
  • Diabetes 911
  • Custom ADA Publications for Consumers
  • Customization is Key
  • Quick Turnaround
  • What About Product Ads?
  • Custom ADA Publications for Professionals
  • Compliance with PhRMA Code
  • New Media Options

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Issue: Vol. 9, No. 8: October 2010
Word Count: 2803

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