Obama vs. McCain: New Survey and Online Discussion
Vol. 7, No. 7: September 2008 Obama vs. McCain Generally, I don’t ask pharma people about their politics, but this year I am making an exception — at least online and now through Pharma Marketing News.

Who do you intend to vote for: Obama or McCain? That’s the main question I ask in a new online survey. But I also ask: Who’s Better for Pharma: Obama or McCain? Why? More….

PhRMA’s Platform for a Healthy AmericaI am interested in your opinions on healthcare reform because PhRMA, the US drug industry trade association, recently outlined its “Platform for a Healthy America.” More….

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Commentary by John Mack, Editor of Pharma Marketing News

Obama vs. McCain Survey
Who’s better for pharma? Who do you plan to vote for? Please take our Obama vs. McCain Survey