The October 2006 Issue
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Each issue of Pharma Marketing News is packed with facts, opinions, and case studies based upon interviews with experts in the field of pharmaceutical marketing. Highlights of presentations from industry conferences, contact lists for experts consulted, and links to references help subscribers keep up to date on best practices and network with their peers.

Articles In This Month’s Issue of Pharma Marketing News October 2006 Issue of Pharma Marketing News.
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Interpretation of Ads
What’s pharmaceutical marketing coming to if we have to interpret the ads that marketers produce? Read the full text of this OpEd piece…

e-Inertia Plagues the Pharma Industry
To make sense of current estimates about pharma spending online and understand where it may be heading in the future, Pharma Marketing News recently hosted a Pharma Marketing Roundtable discussion of the issues. This article summarizes that discussion.Read more… and order the reprint without subscribing.

Optimizing DTC Performance
How TNS Healthcare helps clients build a lifetime connection between consumers and brands. Read more… and order the reprint without subscribing.

The Brand Marketing Mix
This article is a summary of a presentation made before a pharmaceutical brand team on marketing tactics that are viable now and in the future, how to avoid risk by balancing risk vs. impact, and what the marketing mix trends will be one to five years out. Read more… and order the reprint without subscribing.

Pharma Online Spending
An Interview with eMarketer Senior Analyst Lisa Phillips. Read more… and order the reprint without subscribing.

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SPECIAL! Supplements Up to 33% Off Regular Price!

eDetail Supplement Cover eDetailing

This Special Supplement to Pharma Marketing News brings together in one convenient document several topics and case studies on eDetailing and ePromotion to physicians. The resultant collective wisdom of many experts both inside pharmaceutical companies and outside provide a frank assessment of the role and impact of eDetailing on physician marketing as well as the challenges that lie ahead.

20 pages. See Table of Contents.

Order NOW and these additional reprints will be included:

  • Beyond the eDetail: Evolving to Educate
  • eDetailing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

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SFE Supplement CoverIncrease Physician Access and Detailing Effectiveness

Through articles and real-world case studies this Special Supplement presents the collective wisdom of many marketing experts who offer solutions to the problem of decreasing sales rep effectiveness and decreasing return on the physician marketing dollar.

This Special Supplement is certain to give you a better understanding of the issues relating to physician access and how to improve the effectiveness of your physician marketing and sales campaigns.

25 pages. See Table of Contents.

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