The Role of Tablet PCs in Pharma Sales and Marketing The Impact on Pharma Marketing & Sales
Pharmaceutical companies invest substantial resources on information, training, and support to insure their sales forces are successful. Equipping sales reps with mobile technology is a critical element for delivering and managing the flow of information between the rep and the company and between the rep and the customer.

The latest device in the progression of mobile computing technology is the tablet or slate PC. The Tablet PC is the evolution of the Notebook PC and the most mobile PC ever. However, mobility does not necessarily equate to “high impact” or guarantee an increase in face time with the physician. Understanding how to most effectively utilize this technology is critical.

This article summarizes different aspects of this latest innovation in portability and performance and how they could be used to increase sales force effectiveness in both the primary care and hospital-based environments.

The following topics are covered:

  • What Is a Tablet PC?
  • Mobility and Functionality
  • Training is Critical for Full Benefit
  • Pilot for Operational Success
  • Tablet PCs and Closed-Loop Promotion
  • Tablet PCs in the Hospital Setting
  • Use By MSLs

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 9: October 2004
Word Count: 1802

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