Emotions, Focus and Storytelling How Cialis is Challenging Viagra
Step right up ladies and gentlemen! Who wants to challenge the reigning heavy weight champion of the pharmaceutical world? This is a tough call for any new product, in any category.

So who wants to go head-to-head with Viagra? The ultimate pharmaceutical mega-brand: a blockbuster drug, with a superbly executed global campaign, an urban legend. According to Blair Waite, Brand Manager, Global Marketing for Eli Lilly and Co., Viagra is now the world’s 2nd most recognized brand name, after Coca Cola. He was speaking at EyeforPharma’s “Successful Product Branding in Pharma” conference in London, UK on 23 March 2004.

This article summarizes how the Cialis marketing team rose to the Viagra challenge.

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 4: April 2004
Word Count: 715

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