The New Written Prescription Leveraging Technology to Measure Change in Physician Behavior as it Occurs
New Written Prescriptions (NWRx’s), which are uncontaminated by managed care intervention and patient fulfillment issues, are the ultimate measure of physician behavior and, therefore, the purest measure of promotional effectiveness, according to Nancy S. Lurker, CEO of ImpactRx.

At the recent 2nd Pharmaceutical Marketing Global Summit, Ms. Lurker gave a presentation — summarized in this article — that highlighted real world examples of the differences between analyses performed using ImpactRx’s NWRx’s for patients new to or switching therapy versus those using traditional dispensed new prescription data.

Using examples from Erectile Dysfunction and Hypercholestemia therapeutic categories, Ms. Lurker demonstrated how ImpactRx offers a direct link between promotional activity — physician details and DTC ads — and new prescriptions written by physicians.

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 3: March 2004
Word Count: 1281

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