Special Reprint Offer

The following Pharma Marketing News reprints (pdf files delivered by e-mail) are being offered at a discount of 50% off the usual rate through June 25, 2004 only. You pay only $4.95 per reprint through this special offer.

Guidelines for Off-label Communications

This article is a summary of several presentations made by legal experts at a Washington, DC conference on Disseminating Off-Label Information. Several cases relating to false claims are reviewed and seven steps to safely for marketing a pharmaceutical product for an unapproved indication are presented.

Order the REPRINT online for $4.95 (pay by credit card, PDF file delivered to you by e-mail):

What the Next Generation Physician Wants from Pharma

While the number of sales reps has doubled in the last 5 years, the number of physicians that these sales reps call on has stayed relatively constant. This translates into decreased access time per sales rep and a decrease in ROI for physician marketing. This and other factors are creating a need for “next generation” solutions for marketing to physicians that are more cost-effective and measurable. This article summarizes results from Manhattan Research’s ePharma Physician® v3.0 Survey: The Future of Pharmaceutical e-Marketing, which focused on the adoption of emerging technologies by an early adopter physician audience.

Order the REPRINT online for $4.95 (pay by credit card, PDF file delivered to you by e-mail):

Out-of-the-Box Marketing

In order for the pharmaceutical industry to meet the challenges of decreasing marketing ROI, a looming deficit in traditional blockbuster drugs, and decreased sales force effectiveness, pharmaceutical marketers must think out of the box and pay attention to permission-based marketing and other techniques. This article summarizes points made by Dr. Richard B. Vanderveer, Chairman and CEO of V2, Inc, at a recent conference.

Order the REPRINT online for $4.95 (pay by credit card, PDF file delivered to you by e-mail):

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John MackJohn Mack Signature
John Mack, Publisher and Editor
215-504-4164 * 215-504-5739 (Fax)

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