Integrating Online & Offline Marketing Challenges for Pharma
Many pharmaceutical companies are currently absorbing their e-business units and personnel back into the brand teams. This may be a glass is half-empty versus half-full situation. On the one hand, some may look upon this trend as an e-business retrenchment within pharma and a renewed focus on traditional marketing. On the other hand, some may see this as an affirmation that e-business has become mainstream within pharma.

Someone who looks upon the glass as half-full is Bruce W. Bunyan, Senior Director & General Manager at Aventis Behring, the therapeutic proteins business of Aventis.

This article includes a case study based on Bunyan’s exeprience on how Aventis Behring brought together the online and offline marketing mix within his company. He frankly discussed the obstacles he faced and claimed “he learns more from his mistakes than from his successes.” It is obvious, however, that Aventis Behring is on the right track in overcoming the challenges.


  • What are the challenges
  • Educating the product manager
  • Integrated marketing in the consumer world
  • Senior management support is key
  • ROI is not another word for ‘NO’

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Issue: Vol. 2, No. 3: March 2003

Word Count: n/a

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