Featured Conference

2nd Annual Gaining Physician Access

March 22-23, 2004 * Philadelphia, PA

Rave Reviews from Previous Gaining Physician Access Attendees:

“Yes, I benefited. I found value and learned!”
— Gin Charles, Associate Director, Corporate Policy Implementation, AstraZeneca

“I was very impressed with the credentials of the presenters – it enhanced the overall credibility of the information given.”
— Kristen Scott, Training Manager, Janssen Pharmaceutica

“I got a good picture of the current issues the pharmaceutical industry faces now and in the upcoming years. Additionally, I now have a few ideas of how to best tackle these obstacles and position our representatives to achieve greater, more sustainable access to top physicians.”
— Anonymous

With the overwhelming number of sales force representatives competing for the limited time of physicians, new strategies must be developed to increase access to them. Pharmaceutical companies are looking for more effective, alternative or complementary methods to the traditional sales call, as well as ways to improve the sales rep-physician relationship.

The conference explores those solutions and provides new and innovative ways to educate sales reps to understand what physicians perceive as true value. Don’t miss this updated program, and the opportunity to hear leaders in the industry discuss strategies for rethinking and revamping the role of the sales representative to improve access to physicians and increase the quality of the interaction.

CBI’s 2nd Annual Gaining Physician Access conference, March 22-23, 2004, Philadelphia, PA, discusses these issues and more!

  • Turning your sales force into a “science force”
  • Customizing details to address physician attitudes and behaviors
  • Training your sales force on off-label communication
  • Using mobile technology to improve the quality of the sales call
  • How medical science liaisons can help increase access to physicians

The conference also offers a choice of pre-conference workshops on these important topics:

A. Optimize and Measure the ROI of Pharmaceutical eDetailing

B. Build an Effective Compliance Program Under OIG and PhRMA Code Guidelines

For more information about registering for this conference, , please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference site at www.cbinet.com/events/HB411/index.html

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