Featured Conference

7th Annual Multicultural Pharma-Biotech & Healthcare Market Development and Outreach
March 16 – 17, 2006 * Iselin, NJ

Beyond English language DTC, compelling opportunities exist for brands to boost value through strategic investments in cultural competency, health-literacy, customized adherence programs, disease education initiatives and grassroots partnerships. Collaborations are vital with key influencer groups affecting the lives and health of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific American and other diverse population groups who already constitute over 40% of the population in nine major U.S. states

Conference Chairs:
Phyllis Woolley-Roy
Multicultural Marketing
Astra Zeneca

Nancy H. Lang
Cultural Horizons

Raul Garza
Senior Vice President, Special Markets
Manning Selvage & Lee

Christopher K. Law
Senior Vice President Multicultural Initiatives
Oxford Health Plans

For group registrations contact
Rupa Ranganathan, Ethnic Strategist and Senior Vice President, Healthcare Practice  at 1-212-967-0095 x 252 or rranganathan@srinstitute.com

Non-Profit or government discounts are also available.

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.

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