Featured Conference
Communicating Pharmaceutical Value
May 23 – 24, 2005 Washington, DC
Visit the conference website for more information and to register.
Prescription drugs save lives, ease suffering, and improve the quality of life. Why then is the industry under so much public scrutiny, faced with the potential of price controls and the prospect of reimportation of prescription drugs?
According to a recent Harris Poll, Drug makers now share the bottom of the rankings with oil, managed care and tobacco companies. Further, 57% of respondents think drug prices are unreasonably high, and only 13% of poll respondents described the pharmaceutical industry as generally honest and trustworthy.
In May in Washington, D.C., thought leaders and proponents of the industry will be convening do discuss solutions for a focused value proposition, increased public approval and improved trust in the value of pharmaceuticals. Attend CBIs Communicate Pharmaceutical Value Conference to learn how you can improve your brand, corporate and industry image.
The Distinguished Faculty Includes:
Chuck Hardwick, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Pfizer;
President, Pfizer Foundation
Kim Slocum, Director of Strategic Planning, AstraZeneca
Kathleen Harrington, Director, Office of External Affairs (OED), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Mary E. Stutts, Head of Corporate Relations, Genentech
Steve Stefano, Senior Vice President, Managed Markets, GlaxoSmithKline
Richard Levy, Ph.D., Vice President of Scientific Affairs, National Pharmaceutical Council
Kathryn Metcalfe, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Novartis
Steve Galpin, Vice President, Financial and Strategic Communications, Schering-Plough Corporation
Rich Daly, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Lynne H. Brum, Vice President, Corporate Communications and Financial Planning, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated