Featured Conference

Technology Supported Physician Detailing
September 13-14, 2004 • Philadelphia, PA

Visit the conference website for more information and to register.

CBI’s 3rd Annual Technology Supported Physician Detailing Conference provides an interactive forum to discuss how new technologies such as eDetailing and Tablet Ps allow companies to access more physicians and ultimately increase sales.  Learn how world-class pharmaceutical organizations are utilizing the capabilities of these technologies and overcoming the challenges of expanding sales forces and limited physician time.

Hear industry perspectives from Procter & Gamble, Wyeth, Bayer and Novartis Pharmaceuticals as well as a Keynote Presentation from American Academy of Family Physicians on how physicians are responding to the new technologies pharmaceutical companies are using to enhance the physician interaction.  Hear three interactive panel discussions: 

  • Pharmaceutical Panel:  “Detailing Technologies – Compare Industry Practices for Attracting the Right Physician”

  • Vendor Panel:  “Maximize Your Investment in eDetailing to Capture the Right Physicians”

  • Tablet PC Panel:  “Tablet PC Sales Effectiveness”

Plus! Choose from two pre-conference workshops: eSampling — Use Internet Technology to Access More Physicians and Increase Sales and Train Sales Forces to Maximize Available Technologies.

For more information or to register, please contact the Center for Business Intelligence toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com or visit the conference website.

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