Featured Conference

DTC Sweeps: The Impact and Evolving Role of Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
March 11, 2004, 5:30 – 8:15 p.m. • St. Joseph’s University • Philadelphia, PA

The METRO CHAPTER of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) presents an evening seminar entitled “DTC Sweeps: The Impact and Evolving Role of Direct-to-Consumer Marketing.”

Dr. Bill Trombetta, Professor, Executive Pharmaceutical Marketing MBA Programs at St. Joseph’s, will lead a lively panel discussion about the role of direct-to-consumer marketing and its impact on a successful product launch.

How are DTC activities integrated as key components throughout the marketing mix, including advertising, advocacy and public relations? What are the risks and rewards associated with launching a DTC campaign? How have top pharmaceutical marketers managed to address sensitive health issues and drive awareness and sales through DTC?

Join us for dinner and an evening of networking and lively interaction with our moderator and expert panelists. You’ll learn how DTC marketing continues to evolve and shape the healthcare marketing mix.

Panel members will include:

  • John Mack, Publisher, Pharma Marketing News. Topic: Cialis/Levitra/Viagra: Which Ad Campaign Has the Greatest Staying Power?: Results presented the Pharma Marketing Network “Cialis vs. Levitra vs. Viagra DTC Campaign” survey. SEE BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION.
  • Colleen Meehan, Senior Vice President, Creative Director for Cialis Grey Worldwide
  • Millicent Badillo, Senior Vice President, Brand Director for Cialis Grey Worldwide

We look forward to seeing you on March 11th.

Register on-line now by visiting the HBA Web site at the following link:

For more information, please click on the hyperlink below:
www.hbanet.org/cmdocs/uploadbin/5503_hba%203.11%20postcard%20-proof.pdf (PDF)

Cialis/Levitra/Viagra: Which Ad Campaign Has the Greatest Staying Power? SurveysGive us your thoughts about the DTC campaigns of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, two of which went head-to-head during the Superbowl game. Are these ads effective? Was the Superbowl the right venue for these ads? WIll Cialis grab market share quickly?

Click here to take this survey

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