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What’s in the Future for ePharma Marketing?

Date: Thursday, 21 September 2006
Time: 1:00 PM Eastern Time

This Roundtable discussion will be devoted to exploring the issues and trends in pharmaceutical eMarketing, especially to consumers.

Resources relevant to this discussion.

eMarketing is a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. It is widely known that the percent of the pharmaceutical marketing budget spent in the “e” space has remained below 5% since the dawn of the commercial Internet!

Many experts, however, believe that pharma eMarketing (“ePharma Marketing”) is at a tipping point and that pharmaceutical companies are poised to shift substantial ad spending from TV and other media to the Internet.

And there are numerous new “e” channels and technologies to invest in such as podcasts, streaming video a la youtube.com, word-of-mouth venues like mySpace.com, and behavioral marketing.

Special Guest
Lisa Phillips, senior analyst at eMarketer, and author of the report, Pharmaceuticals Online: Direct-to-Patient Becomes a Reality, will be an invited guest Roundtable member.

Some specific topics Roundtable participants should be prepared to discuss include the following:

    • What are pharmaceutical companies currently spending on online marketing? What will they be spending and what will they be spending it on by 2008?
    • How can eMarketing resources spent by Pharma companies be better measured? How do we know that current data are accurate?
    • The ROI of online pharma marketing: Is it being measured? How? How does it compare to offline marketing?
    • Technologies likely to be employed, including streaming video, behavioral targeting, podcats, search, etc. What are the trends? Are there any case studies we should be looking at?

    This Roundtable discussion will be featured in a future issue of
    Pharma Marketing News.

    Other Resources:

    Pharma eMarketing in a Slump

    Pharma Marketing News – Reprints and Special Supplements

    eMarketing Blog Topics

    Pharma Marketing Network Survey Results: