Thank You for Your Request for a Free Trial Listing in the Pharma Marketing Vendor Directory. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

You will receive an e-mail message requesting that you to confirm that your are authorized to make this request and that you agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS for a free trial.

If you do not receive this e-mail within 14 dyas, please send an e-mail to confirming your request or call 215-504-4164 immediately. In your e-mail, please make sure you include your company name and indicate that you are authorized to make the request and that you agree to the TERMS & CONDITIONS for a free trial.

Your request will not be acted upon until we receive confirmation.

The current turnaround time to process free trial listing requests is 45 days from the date of the initial request. If you require 24-48 hourt turnaround, we suggest that you purchase an enhanced listing. To order, see below.

KEEP TRACK OF YOUR REQUEST BY VISITING THE Pharma Vendor Blog. You may also subscribe to get blog posts by email:

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Enhance Your Listing and Bring MORE Customers to Your Site!

Vendor Directory pages are among the most visited pages on the Pharma Marketing Network Web site. This Special Offer gives you the opportunity to enhance your listing and drive more visitors to your Web site. Choose one of the following options now and get 6 additional months FREE!

Enhanced Listing Preferred Listing Category Sponsor $49.95 per Year 

Company name in large, bold font. Contact information, link, 125 word description, Logo. $149.95 per Year 

Enhanced Listing, PLUS company name in “Preferred Vendor” menu at top of page. $295.00 per Year 

Preferred Listing plus banner ad at top of category page with link to your web site. More Details More Details More Details Order Here Order Here Order Here