Special Supplement
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Volume Two: DTC in the New Era
Also see Volume One: DTC Emerging Issues
DTC advertising is set for major changes in light of public criticism, but also in reaction to the changing reality of the marketplace where there is less need for a one size fits all solution. DTC must evolve and marketers must pay more attention to measuring and improving its effectiveness. Otherwise, billions of dollars will continue to be wasted. This volume is devoted to DTC best practices with a focus on techniques for improving DTC efficacy and return on investment, which is generally considered to be declining.
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Approx. 47 Pages
- Introduction: Not Your Father’s DTC
- The Brand Marketing Mix: Balancing Impact versus Risk
- Pharma Online Direct-to-Patient Spending
- DTC Spending Set to Surpass DTP Spending
- Is Your Product Ready for Consumers?
- Medical Device DTC: Learning from Pharma’s Mistakes
- Creating a Successful DTC Campaign on the Inside
- The New Branding Model: From Blockbusters to Targeted Therapies
- Emotions, Focus and Storytelling: How Cialis is Challenging Viagra
- Optimizing DTC Performance
- Maximize DTC Effectiveness: Understanding Drivers of Patient Behavior
- Out-of-the-Box Marketing: Will It Work for Pharma?
- PR: Advertising by Other Means
- Ducks in the Henhouse: The Challenges of Integrating Direct and Brand Advertising
- cDetailing: Addressing the DTC Education Gap
Special Supplement
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
Volume One: Emerging Issues
The collection of articles and commentary in this first Pharma Marketing News Special Supplement chronicles the emerging issues of direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising and presents pro and con opinions from experts on how DTC needs to adapt in the post-Vioxx marketing era. Topics include: DTC Pros and Cons, Straight-Talking DTC, Communicating Risk, Biotech DTC, Print DTC, and more.
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Approx. 42 Pages
- Pharma Trends to Watch
- To Ban or Not to Ban DTC, That is the Question
- DTC Pros and Cons
- Marketing in the Post-Vioxx Era
- Straight-Talking DTC
- PhRMA’s DTC Principles
- Communicating Risk
- CHC Petition to FDA
- Biotech DTC
- Print DTC: How Does It Measure Up?
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