Pharma 3D A Script for Marketing in the Digital Age
Pharmaguy interviews Brain Fox, Senior Partner at McKinsey (see Bio), about the new e-book entitled Pharma 3D: Rewriting the script for marketing in the digital age.

Recorded on Friday, 27 May 2016

You can also visit this Pharma Marketing Talk Segment Page to listen to the archived audio podcast. This show and ALL Pharma Marketing Talk shows are available as podcasts via PMT on iTunes (FREE!).

The 3 D’s of Digital Pharma Marketing: Discover, Design, Deliver.  A How-to e-Book.

Questions/Topics of Discussion

  • Give us an short introduction to the e-book Pharma 3D. Why was this written now? Who collaborated in writing the book? What are the major takeaways for pharma?
  • Explain why you think pharma is not doing enough in digital marketing Is it fair to compare pharma to other, more lightly regulated in terms of marketing, industries?
  • The How-to section is extensive. What are the 3 Ds that pharma markets must know?
  • What are your future plans for the book? Are you hoping to include more pharma-specific case studies?

Guest Bio

Brian FoxBrian Fox is a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company and its global leader for Marketing in Pharmaceuticals and Medical products.

For over 10 years, Brian has helped healthcare companies find new ways to grow and improve profitability through innovative strategies in digital marketing and patient engagement. He also assists clients on marketing ROI, capability building, organizational design and operational improvement and M&A.

His clients range from manufacturers of generic and branded pharmaceuticals to medical and personal care product companies to PBMs, distributors, pharmacies (retail and mail), providers, pharma services companies, and PE groups that invest in these areas.