Want Digital Pharma Marketing “RESULTS”? Pharma Marketers Must Adapt to the New Demands of Healthcare
Pharmaguy interviews R.J. Lewis (see Bio), President and CEO of eHealthcare Solutions, about his new book “RESULTS: The Future of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing,” which he co-authored with Scott Weintraub, Brad Sitler, Joanne McHugh, Roger Zan, and Stephen Morales.

Recorded on Friday, 6 November 2015

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Disruption creates opportunity for those who embrace change. New winners and losers will emerge. This book will help you and your companies thrive in the age of disruption and navigate a changing environment. Authors RJ Lewis, Scott Weintraub, Brad Sitler, Joanne McHugh, and Roger Zan each share key insights into the growing trends in healthcare that you need to understand in order to better market your products. Join them at the front line as they speak to over a dozen executives of global pharmaceutical manufacturing companies to hear the technology, regulation, and the ever-shifting marketing challenges they see in front of them that could spell big opportunities for your company. The book covers 5 key themes:

  1. Regional Marketing
  2. Digital Marketing
  3. Big Data
  4. Evolving Systems of Care & the ACA
  5. A view from the manufacturers perspective

Questions/Topics of Discussion

  • What are some of the biggest trends you are seeing in digital marketing today?
  • There is a shift from targeting contextually to targeting based on an audience, how is this playing out in digital marketing and where is it heading?
  • What are some examples of “data driven” targeting in online advertising?
  • What does the future hold for the newer media and platforms such as mobile and video?
  • How big of a role does societies concerns over privacy play in how the future unfolds?
  • How will the return on investment (ROI) of digital marketing be measured going forward in the new healthcare environment?
  • For the chapter on a view from the manufacturer, what are the main themes you heard from them?

Guest Bio

RJ LewisR.J. Lewis is the President and CEO of eHealthcare Solutions (EHS), the first vertical Internet advertising network in healthcare, which he started in 1999. In 2015, Mr. Lewis co-authored a book, RESULTS: The Future of Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Marketing.

Prior to starting eHealthcare Solutions, Mr. Lewis served as Vice President of Sales for Physicians’ Online (now part of WebMD/Medscape). Before that, he served as an Account Executive for Grey Healthcare Group.

R.J. Lewis earned his MBA in 1999 in Marketing and Information Systems from the Stern School of Business at New York University.

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