Discovering the Active Digital Health Consumer:
DigiHealth Pulse Is Pharma Missing 90% of Behavior Change Opportunities?Click Here for Additional Resources
Guest Fard Johnmar, Founder and President at Enspektos, LLC (see Bios), talks about DigiHealth Pulse, the first research initiative providing real-time information on how online and social media content impacts active digital health consumers’ perceptions, intentions and behaviors.
Aired LIVE on: Friday, October 19, 2012
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BackgroundResearch released by Enspektos, LLC should serve as a wake up call to health organizations that have become over-reliant on Facebook, Twitter and Google to deliver health information. These two social properties receive the lion’s share of attention. We have also been taught that search is the gateway to the health Web.
New data on what online health content people actually consume (versus what they report on online surveys) suggests pharma and other healthcare marketers focusing primarily on these sites could be missing more than 90% of opportunities to shape health behavior. For executives seeking to use the Web to encourage healthier eating, boost vaccinations, change how people exercise, promote medication compliance and modify other health behaviors this is critical information.
These conclusions are based on an analysis of more than 122,000 Web pages and Twitter/Facebook status updates consumed from September 20 to October 1, 2012 by people participating the Digital Health Consumer Tracking Study or digihealth pulse. Enspektos is tracking (in real-time) online and social media health content study participants are encountering across 37 topics, including Obamacare, heart disease and sexually transmitted diseases.
Questions/Topics Discussed
- With social media and mobile gaining ground, isn’t the health Web old news?
- What does the missing 90% mean for pharma?
- What are two things pharma needs to start doing now to capture some of these missed opportunities?
Guest Bios
Fard Johnmar Fard Johnmar, M.A., has extensive experience in the healthcare marketing communications arena. He has developed and implemented programs for numerous major global and domestic pharmaceutical companies, nonprofits, medical associations and government organizations.Pfizer Inc., Eli Lilly and Company, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Novartis Pharmaceuticals and the International Society on Hypertension in Blacks are just a few of the organizations he has completed engagements with.
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