SurroundHealth An Online Community for Healthcare ExtendersClick Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with Susan Collins (see bio), MS, CHES, RD, Senior Vice President, Health Education Research and Development, HealthEd, about the SurroundHealth online community of “Healthcare Extenders.” We will focus on how this group of healthcare professionals impacts health care, why they should not be ignored by pharma marketers and how to measure ROI when working with them.

Aired LIVE on: Monday, February 13, 2012

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Pharmaceutical Marketers often have a narrow view of their customers focusing solely on the MD prescriber and patient. Yet, healthcare extenders are very influential in whether a prescription gets filled and whether a medication gets taken correctly. As the number of complex treatments (such as biologics) grows for complex medical conditions, healthcare extenders will grow in importance as the conduit to patient education and treatment adherence.

Questions/Topics Discussed

  • Healthcare Extenders: Who are they? Why that name?
  • What is SurroundHealth? Who are your members and how are you different from other social networks?
  • What are some examples of ways in which healthcare extenders interact with patients? Dissect the typical clinical encounter (Examples highlighted will be diabetes, asthma, heart failure; focus on disease self-management including treatment adherence)
  • What impact can healthcare extenders have on patient outcomes?
  • Why do you think it is important for pharmaceutical marketers to pay closer attention to this group?
  • For pharmaceutical marketers who need to tie their efforts (money/time spent) back to impact on Rx, how can they really measure the impact of reaching healthcare extenders?
  • Describe how Clinical Encounters and consulting can help pharmaceutical marketers better understand healthcare extenders?
  • Looking ahead 5 years, what do you envision for healthcare extenders and what would be your top 3 pieces of advice for pharmaceutical marketers of today?

Guest Bio

Susan Collins

Susan Collins, MS, CHES, RD, is responsible for developing and leading patient-centered health education programs for HealthEd. She has directed the creation of award-winning programs for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, allergies, and asthma as well as launching SurroundHealth, a social network for healthcare extenders. As a certified health educator education specialist and registered dietitian, Susan has vast experience in the field of health education. Prior to HealthEd, she was a nutritionist with the diabetes treatment unit of New England Deaconess Hospital, nutrition coordinator for the American Dairy Association, program coordinator of professional education and school-based health education for the American Heart Association/NYC Affiliate, and nutrition coordinator for the worksite cholesterol screening program of the American Red Cross in New York City.

Additional Resources

  • TBD