How to Add New Media Into Your DTC Marketing Mix Combining the Best of the Old and New into Successful DTC CampaignsClick Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with David Kweskin, Senior Vice President and Practice Area Leader, TNS Brand and Communication Division, and Morgan Lozier, Director, Web Evaluation TNS Brand and Communication Division

Aired LIVE on:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

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The Majority of Consumers Now Rely More on the Web and Word-of-Mouth Than on Traditional Media for Their Health Information.

From microsites to magazines…from texting to TV…from billboards to blogs…the range of DTC vehicles you can choose from is tremendous. Many of the new approaches — such as Web and word of mouth — may do more to influence how consumers view your brand and whether they ask their doctors for it than traditional television or print ads. Click Here for Additional Resources

Guest Bio

KweskinDavid Kweskin
Senior Vice President and Practice Area Leader
TNS Brand and Communication Division

LozierMorgan Lozier
Director, Web Evaluation
TNS Brand and Communication Division

Some Questions Discussed

    1. With so many options, how can you pick the most effective ones?
    2. How Can You Assess Their Impact vs. Traditional Channels in Driving Brand Perceptions and Performance?
    3. How Can You Allocate DTC Budgets to Optimize ROI?

    Additional Resources

    • N/A