Mobile Pharma Marketing: What’s the 411? How to Use Mobile Marketing to Boost Your Response Rate and Marketing ROIClick Here for Additional Resources

A conversation with Robert Flynn, President, Pulse Media Response

Aired LIVE on:

Thursday, May 31, 2007 Listen to internet radio with Pharmaguy on Blog Talk Radio

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In the US, mobile advertising spending is expected to grow from US$421 million in 2006 to US$4.7 billion by 2011, while globally the market is expected to increase to US$11.3 billion by the same year, according to eMarketer.

Robert Flynn of Pulse Media Response states that using mobile marketing as another channel of response for consumers can increase a company’s response rate by 1-5% which will have a significant effect on the campaign’s ROI.

Pulse Media Response enables Pharmaceutical companies to increase their advertising ROI and the adoption of their compliance and retention programs by adding mobile communication capabilities to their patient communications and advertising. Using a “shortcode” and unique keywords, “Pulsecodes”, companies can engage consumers in their brands using the most ubiquitous form of communication, the mobile phone.

Questions/Topics Discussed

  • What are some of the basics of mobile advertising and, in particular, mobile response communications via “shortcodes”?
  • Isn’t mobile technology more for the younger generation and not for the older audience that most pharmaceutical marketers wish to reach?
  • How can use of mobile technology increase pharmaceutical marketing ROI?

Guest Bio

Robert Flynn
Mr. Flynn has over 15 years sales and marketing experience with fast growing, entrepreneurial ventures.

He holds an MBA from the F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business at Babson College.

Additional Resources

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